Gangadin & Company – Toronto – Small Claims Defense

Workplace Harassment

Encountering offensive jokes, rumors, or constantly criticizes at work aren’t new. But do you ever feel like someone in your office is targeting you? Anyone can fall victim to it, plus, it’s a confusing and isolating experience. This may actually be a harassment issue. Some may fear losing their job, anger, isolation, anxiety, and so much more. If that’s the case, Gangadin & Company will help you out with the best workplace harassment paralegal services.

Unlike other legal farms who just represent you in court, we know your story inside out first. We’ll help you understand what workplace harassment is, the different forms it can take, and what options you have to address it. You can finally feel safe in your workplace. We got your back.

How Gangadin & Company Helps Your Out

With over 600 cases won, and a specialization in Human Rights law, our paralegals can get you out of any situation. You are sure to have a faster and efficient way out of discrimination, wage theft, OSHA regulation breach, or just overtime pay regulations. 

Best part is, we will keep your information private, even if it means financial loss from our side. Your data will stay safe, and you will get your rights guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Well it depends on your situation. If someone asks you nicely once or twice, or just says hi, it’s not flirting. But if they seem to push too much, then it’s harassment. You need to talk to them about it directly, or complain about it to your HR or supervisor, if they don’t listen.

Yes, you can record harassment evidence in Toronto. Turns out, Toronto has one-party consent for recording conversations. This means you can legally record a conversation with your harasser without their knowledge. 

Well, it depends on what type of harassment you are facing. You can report the harassment problem to the HR or supervisor. If it persists, always consult with a legal professional to get things sorted out. You can always go to the Toronto Police, or Toronto Human Rights Office for help.

If your boss is the harasser, call the police or the Human Rights Office. Harassment from the boss shouldn’t be taken lightly as things can go out of hand any time. But remember, gather proof of everything. 

Workplace harassment can be anything that’s over the limit. This can be a threatening, offensive, or humiliating behavior repeated against a person or group. This can include verbal abuse, rumors, or unwanted physical contact. However, if someone pushes their boundaries too much, for example asking you out every day, it’s also harassment. 

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